Reliability and availability are central issues in the operation of technical systems. This applies equally to sanitary, cooling, air-conditioning and heating systems as well as electrical installations, transport equipment and building and automation control systems.
Our maintenance and engineering personnel is specifically trained for the tasks they carry out on site. There is continuous and focused training on specialist topics such as hygiene issues in air-conditioning and drinking water systems.
When Dussmann Service takes on operation of your technical systems, it may also include taking on operator responsibility. You can feel secure in the knowledge that all regulations are complied with. Using modern CAFM systems, we also present complete documentation of your technical operations.
We would be happy to prepare a proposal for technical operation of your systems. Call us or contact us by email.
Well-qualified personnel is a high priority. We offer a comprehensive program of initial and further training courses on a wide range of subjects.
As a leading provider of facility Management, Dussmann Gulf LLC has been awarded certification according to international standards.